Coaching Program

$ 509 00 Price:
$509.00 Price:



1st-5th Meeting (90min/each) ✓ General orientation meeting on the stages of the coaching process ✓ Analysis and discussion of the test result – strengths and challenges ✓ Definition of the client’s goal for the coaching program ✓ Definition of the competence to be developed ✓ Action Plan ✓ Follow up of the Action Plan towards the goal --- With our help you can create more effective strategies in less time, saving energy and money. Coaching with the Enneagram: Our coaching model with the Enneagram was designed based on the concept that defines Coaching as a self-development process. It is structured to give you support in producing superior results at the dentist board exams. ✓ Through the Enneagram understand your own personality, your reactions and attitudes towards the goals and objectives that you draw for your life.✓ Align technical knowledge with self-confidence for better results in personal interviews. ✓ Improve your focus and productivity in studies to pass board exams. ✓ Create strategies to keep the inner positive changes you achieve through this coaching program. ✓ Recognize what is really essential for your success and bring more balance between work and personal life. What is included in this Coaching Program? ✓ A complete online Enneagram Test ✓ Five 90 minutes individual Enneagram Coaching sessions through teleconference (Skype). ✓ Special cost for full package members (VIP). Coaching Information If you are interested in learning more about the Coaching Process, please fill in your information on the side and one of our members will contact you to answer all your questions.